GitButler is a new Source Code Management system designed to manage your branches, record and backup your work, be your Git client, help with your code and much more. Our focus is everything after writing code in your editor and before sharing it on GitHub. We're focused on your working directory and how we can help with everything you do there.
Here you will find documentation on the product and the way that we're running our beta and building our product with your help.
Getting Started
Check out our Getting Started guide to get started with GitButler.
Latest Features
Why We're Doing This
Read about it over Why GitButler Section.
What We Do
The GitButler client is a powerful Git client. You can manage your branches, work on multiple things at once, push and fetch from your Git server, easily rebase and modify commits and more. We have a unique approach to merge conflicts that help split up any conflicting work. It also keeps a timeline so that you can easily undo any operation.
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